let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go! ( ,,0 ᗜ 0,, )


Popup Warning document.getElementById('popup-overlay').addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target === this) { this.style.display = 'none'; } });

welcome to namida's site~!  ♡


about me: i'm namida, a landmine girl located in the united states! i'm an infp!

personality: creative, emotional, a little unpredictable

my dream: to create as much as possible!



namida's socials!note: i haven't begun uploading to tiktok or youtube yet!

to note: these are my only socials anything else using the names namida or namida777 are not me

i don't feel like i have enough on my site. ummmmmmm here's my boyfriend's fanart of me

hey there! got any suggestions!? let me know!


hello there! i'm namida~ ✧ i'm so happy you're here! ♡
take your time to look around and feel at home! p.s. this site isn't super mobile-friendly,, browse on desktop. click here for the mobile version.
thanks for stopping by!

namida's music player


const audioElement = document.getElementById('tune'); const playButton = document.querySelector('.playy'); const pauseButton = document.querySelector('.pausee'); const controls = document.querySelector('.music-controls'); controls.addEventListener('click', () => { if (audioElement.paused) { audioElement.play(); playButton.classList.add('hidden'); pauseButton.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { audioElement.pause(); playButton.classList.remove('hidden'); pauseButton.classList.add('hidden'); } }); audioElement.addEventListener('ended', () => { playButton.classList.remove('hidden'); pauseButton.classList.add('hidden'); });


lovessss: jirai kei, vocaloid & utau, rhythm games, really good cake, bann!!!!!! (this is ur reminder 2 check out my bfs stuff.... plsplspls ill byf 4ever)
other stuff i enjoy a tooonnn: writing, weird internet history, reading abt urban legends & crime, messing with character designs and worldbuilding, anime & manga, psychological horror, creating moodboards, obsessing over games and stories for weeks, niche fashion, psychology
my hobbies: plpslpslps if u wanna bmf just bring up something i like,,, i LOOOOVE rambling and can talk at u for HOURS ,,,,, don't be shy!!




update log

update log

v1.0.0 first release! ✧

v1.0.1 changed song on music player✧

v1.0.2 a bunch of minor tweaks ✧

v1.1.0 total overhaul! ✧

my friends' stuff

hey, that bann guy is my boyfriend!

my major projects

upcoming ♡ tba.



Lucky Button document.getElementById('luckyButton').addEventListener('click', function() { const links = [ 'https://www.bannmannutt.com/', 'https://www.youtube.com/@Bann/videos', 'https://youtu.be/W7U_Tx1WUx4?si=Gbf04AJ0lGRCL7IV', 'https://youtu.be/sAoCyuPt6w4?si=OEi8f60_7FXTJViX', 'https://webcomicname.com/', 'https://www.belltreeforums.com/', 'https://www.sanrio.com/blogs/sanrio', 'https://pusheen.com/', 'https://molang.com/pages/fun-games', 'https://www.san-x.co.jp/', 'https://www.windows93.net/', 'https://ncase.me/trust/', 'https://jspaint.app/#local:14066bffee5df', 'https://sandspiel.club/', 'https://neal.fun/', 'https://www.csh.bz/line/05xp.html', 'https://candybox2.github.io/', 'https://joshworth.com/dev/pixelspace/pixelspace_solarsystem.html', 'https://www.jacopocolo.com/hexclock/', 'https://superbad.com/', 'https://www.music-map.com/', 'https://www.futureme.org/', 'https://cuberule.com/', 'https://musicmap.info/', 'https://www.cameronsworld.net/', 'http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/', 'https://pointerpointer.com/', 'https://www.boredbutton.com/', 'https://www.d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y.com/', 'https://youryoure.com/', 'https://html5zombo.com/', 'http://thenostalgiamachine.com/', 'https://www.ihasabucket.com/', 'https://www.physicsoftheuniverse.com/', 'https://crouton.net/', 'http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html', 'http://isittuesday.co.uk/', ]; const randomLink = links[Math.floor(Math.random() * links.length)]; window.location.href = randomLink; });

today's fortune...

fortune teller
const fortunes = [ "be kind to yourself tomorrow!", "tomorrow may not be kind, but you will face it anyway!", "your dreams will come true!", "a decision you make today will ripple into the future.", "you are closer to a turning point than you realize!", "a new opportunity is coming your way!", "positive changes are near!", "a surprise awaits you!", "you will check out my boyfriend's youtube channel and love it! ...uh, i mean... refresh for something new?", "something cute will find its way to you tomorrow!" ]; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { document.getElementById('fortuneText').textContent = fortunes[Math.floor(Math.random() * fortunes.length)]; });




let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go! ( ,,0 ᗜ 0,, )


namida's work!  ♡

sorry, this part of my site isn't quite done...



let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go! ( ,,0 ᗜ 0,, )


Popup Warning document.getElementById('popup-overlay01').addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target === this) { this.style.display = 'none'; } });

welcome to namida's site~!  ♡


about me: i'm namida, a landmine girl located in the united states! i'm an infp!

personality: creative, emotional, a little unpredictable

my dream: to create as much as possible!

namida's socials!

 note: i haven't begun uploading to tiktok or youtube yet!

to note: these are my only socials anything else using the names namida or namida777 are not me

i don't feel like i have enough on my site. ummmmmmm here's my boyfriend's fanart of me

hey there! got any suggestions!? let me know!


hello there! i'm namida~ ✧ i'm so happy you're here! ♡
take your time to look around and feel at home! p.s. this site isn't super desktop-friendly,, browse on mobile. click here for the desktop version.
thanks for stopping by!


namida's music player


const audioElement = document.getElementById('tune01'); const playButton = document.querySelector('.playy01'); const pauseButton = document.querySelector('.pausee01'); const controls = document.querySelector('.music-controls01'); controls.addEventListener('click', () => { if (audioElement.paused) { audioElement.play(); playButton.classList.add('hidden'); pauseButton.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { audioElement.pause(); playButton.classList.remove('hidden'); pauseButton.classList.add('hidden'); } }); audioElement.addEventListener('ended', () => { playButton.classList.remove('hidden'); pauseButton.classList.add('hidden'); });


lovessss: jirai kei, vocaloid & utau, rhythm games, really good cake, bann!!!!!! (this is ur reminder 2 check out my bfs stuff.... plsplspls ill byf 4ever)
other stuff i enjoy a tooonnn: writing, weird internet history, reading abt urban legends & crime, messing with character designs and worldbuilding, anime & manga, psychological horror, creating moodboards, obsessing over games and stories for weeks, niche fashion, psychology
my hobbies: plpslpslps if u wanna bmf just bring up something i like,,, i LOOOOVE rambling and can talk at u for HOURS ,,,,, don't be shy!!


my friends' stuff

hey, that bann guy is my boyfriend! he's seriously the coolest dude ever, pls check out his stuff!!

my major projects


upcoming ♡ tba.

update log

v1.0.0 first release! ✧

v1.0.1 changed song on music player✧

v1.0.2 a bunch of minor tweaks ✧

v1.1.0 total overhaul! ✧





let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go! ( ,,0 ᗜ 0,, )


namida's portfolios!  ♡

sorry, this part of my site isn't quite done...





let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go! ( ,,0 ᗜ 0,, )


namida's room!  ♡

sorry, this part of my site isn't quite done...



let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go! ( ,,0 ᗜ 0,, )


namida's work!  ♡

sorry, this part of my site isn't quite done...



let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go! ( ,,0 ᗜ 0,, )


namida's portfolios!  ♡

sorry, this part of my site isn't quite done...





let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go! ( ,,0 ᗜ 0,, )


want a website?! ♡

sorry, this part of my site isn't quite done...





let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go! ( ,,0 ᗜ 0,, )


why am i putting this on my damn WEBSITE!!!!!!!

namida think's she's prettier than how her boyfriend portrays her.
he redrew me!
and i look very cute in this drawing!



let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go! ( ,,0 ᗜ 0,, )


why am i putting this
on my damn WEBSITE!!!!!!!

namida think's she's prettier than how her boyfriend portrays her.
he redrew me!
and i look very cute in this drawing!